Wednesday, February 1, 2012

11 sexually deviant behavior

Here are 11 sexually deviant behavior that should we know (and hopefully you will not experience it):
1. Exhibitionism
His definition is someone getting sexual gratification by displaying the genitals themselves to strangers who do not want to see it. For an exhibitionist, satisfaction comes from the reactions of others, who mistakenly believed (by the patient) as an expression of sexual satisfaction.
Sexual satisfaction obtained by the patient when she saw the reaction by surprise, fear, awe, disgust, or screaming from people who saw it. Then it is used as the basis for masturbation fantasy. Orgasms achieved by masturbating at that moment or a moment later.
2. Voyeurism
The main characteristic voyeurism (the world of medicine known as skopofilia) is the uncontrollable urge to secretly peep or look at women who are naked, undressed, or sexual activity.
Patients usually obtain sexual gratification of the 'spectacle' is. Women who diintip usually he did not know. Peering into the exclusive way to get sexual satisfaction. Strangely, he did not want to have sex with women who spy. Satisfaction orgasm is usually obtained by masturbation.
Interestingly, true voyeurism is not aroused when seeing a woman who does not dress in front of him. They were only aroused when spied. With a peek they are able to maintain the advantage without the need to experience sexual risk of failure or refusal of a real partner.
3. Frotteurisme
Body rub or hug other people who do not want to. Things like that are found in places where we would not want to jostle one another, for example on the train or in a crowded bus.
4. Pedophilia
The term that we hear very often. Adults, especially men, who search for physical and sexual contact with prepubertal children who do not want to deal with them.
Approximately two-thirds of the victims of this disorder are children aged 8-11 years. Most of pedophilia infecting men, but there are also cases of women having sex repeatedly with the kids. Most pedophiles identify the victim, such as relatives, neighbors, or acquaintances. The pedophiles are categorized into three groups ie over 50 years, 20's to 30 years, and adolescents. Seremnya again, most of them are heterosexual and most have become fathers.
5. Sadomasokisme
Sexual sadism and masochism. Sadism - takes its name from the Marquis de Sade (1740-1814) is a term used to describe the pleasure or sexual arousal gained by inflicting pain or torture their partner. The more pain, more and more aroused.
Masochism - the name of another famous writer on sexual exploitation, Leopold von Sacher-Masoch (1836-1895) describes the desire to obtain sexual pleasure from pain and torment or insult (physically or verbally).
Patients sadistic sexual gratification from inflicting pain and / or insults, while masochistic obtain sexual gratification from receiving pain and / or insults. Sadomasokistik sexual activity is characterized by a technique involving dominance and submission extreme and by giving and receiving punishment. The majority of sufferers are women. Called sadomasokistik because whoever has the sadistic and masochistic side of their personality. However, although many are swapped roles, more masochistic than sadistic.
6. Fetishism
Fetishism is the reliance on a body part or an object (called a fetish) for stimulation and sexual satisfaction. Sufferers become aroused by the body (eg buttocks) or an object (usually underwear) that for most people is the only stimuli. Objects that may become the basis of fantasy or romance, but rather help a substitute for more conventional sexual activity. In general fetishist is a person who is not able to enjoy sex without the existence of a fetish. Fetish may be part of the body (such as the buttocks, for example), an inanimate object (like a pair of shoes), or materials (like rubber). In extreme cases, the object of fetish be a substitute for real human partner.
7. Skatologia phone
Could be interpreted as doing an obscene phone call with others who do not want it.
8. Transvestisme
Transvestisme also known as the dress of the opposite sex (cross-dressing). For some men, transvestisme is a sexual activity in which the emotional and physical satisfaction gained from using women's clothing. One great if it considers transvestisme is homosexual. Most are heterosexual with a fairly conventional sex life and many are married and have children.
The pattern of clothing of the opposite sex is quite varied. Some transvestist refused menswear altogether and use women's clothes all the time. Some are just using women's clothes occasionally or frequently, while others choose only one type of clothing only. Some patients have multiple personalities transvestisme-one male and one female-and dress of the opposite sex to express your personality while his female is essentially masculine.
This disorder usually stems from childhood or adolescence. The preferred set of clothing can be a thing that stimulates sexual desire. Initially used only during masturbation, then during intercourse. Initially imposed only limited partial cross-dressing (wearing only a bra and panties), over time dressed as a woman complete, total cross-dressing. The latter is done when the patient starts to feel capable of self-reliance, about adolescence to young adulthood. The frequency of occurrence grew up and eventually become a habit.
As we get older, the tendency to get sexual gratification through these means can be reduced or even disappear. Although there are times when a small number transvestit appeared at age further, requiring women to wear clothes and live as a woman permanently.
In the latter case this turns into transeksualisme transvestisme; people want to change sex, become like the opposite sex, and no longer have sexual satisfaction only with cross-dressing.
9. Satiriasis
Also known as Don Juanisme or sexual addiction. This condition is the male equivalent of nimfomania, a psychological disorder in which men are dominated by a desire that will not cease to have sex with many different partners. Sometimes thought to be caused by a strong narsikisme and feeling the need to control the feelings of inferiority through sexual success. This type of deviation is very risky for contracting venereal disease and HIV / AIDS.
10. Compulsive sexual behavior
Is the repetition of erotic action without pleasure. Sexual compulsions can include phone sex without end, one-night stand (brief affair), or masturbate several times a day, sufferers often claim to feel "out of control" before the activity and feel guilty or ashamed afterward. Whatever he gets sexual gratification, such action is shallow and vapid.
Search of sexual satisfaction that they are doing is compulsive, sometimes ritualistic. They feel unable to control himself during a search, and afterwards felt despair, shame, and self-loathing. But the only way to be able to escape from negative feelings is through repetition quest for sexual satisfaction while turning off or blunt the feelings of shame. Thus creating a vicious cycle that does not exist forever.
11. Incest
Sexual relations between close relatives where marriage between them is opposed by law. Incest is a major social taboo, can even damage the offspring.

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