Friday, January 6, 2012

Why Do We Need Contraception And Types of Contraception

We Need Contraception
Why do we need Contraception?
There are a variety of personal reasons: to regulate the number and spacing of children wanted, prevent out of wedlock pregnancies and reduce the risk of contracting sexual diseases. Internationally, contraception is needed to limit the number of world population and ensure the availability of natural resources to maintain the quality of human life.
About contraceptive

Taking the right decision for a planned family is not easy. Should, couples should know the facts and correct information about contraception, including the plus minus to the more steady making the right decision.

These days many women prefer oral contraceptives, or better known as birth control pills. Why is that? In addition to the most effective, safe and relatively low side effects, its use is also practical.

Contraceptive pills which many in the market are generally available in calendar packs. Each pack contains 21 active pills that must be taken every day for 21 days. Menstruation will occur when taking a placebo or at intervals of 7-day pill-free.

Combined contraceptive pill containing estrogen and progestin / progesteron. Which contraceptive pill is also lower due to the effectiveness of progesterone only (POP = progestin-only-pill), usually used during lactation.

Contraception Tools

In order to decide the most appropriate choice according to your needs and your situation, let's identify the various types of contraceptives and find out where that is appropriate for you.

a. Coitus interruptus (Withdrawal Disconnected)
This action can prevent the occurrence of fertilization leading to pregnancy. Can be interpreted as coitus interruptus coitus interrupted or removed in terms of penis from vagina just seblum ejaculation occurs. In this way semen would not be expected to enter into the uterus and decrease the possibility of sperm meets an egg cell which may result in fertilization. This technique requires a large participation from your partner. It also demanded that the soul of you and your partner are ready mentally alias if it turns out that method failed. Failure factors of this method is quite high because it could have been out before orgasm sperm. In other words, the sperm is released and quickly swim toward the egg shortly before the penis is pulled out. EFFECTIVE: For women whose husbands or partners were able to control ejaculation time.

b. Calendar system (Periodic Abstinence) 
This method is also called The Rhythm Method. If this be an option then your knowledge of the fertile period or fertility awareness should be high. You should know exactly fertile period or at the most allow you to get pregnant. If you really want to postpone pregnancy, so when the body enters the fertile postpone the desire to have sex with a partner. Or you and your partner still have sex but use condoms. "Pay attention to your menstrual cycle in advance for 3 months if you need 6 months to get the timing right menstrual cycle, according to Dr.. Prima period of" safe "a woman is two days after menstruation until 14 days before the next menstruation has created a short menstrual cycle . If your menstrual cycle length, then the period of "safe" 2 days after your period to 16 days before your period to come. But keep in mind the actual fertile period is very difficult to predict with certainty so there is still a chance you have "conceded" EFFECTIVE: For women with regular menstrual cycles. Make them an irregular menstrual cycle will be difficult to use this method, because of difficulties in determining the fertile period.


a. Condom
Condom use is effective as long as used appropriately and correctly. The failure of condoms can be minimized by using condoms correctly, that is use when the penis is erect and released after ejaculation. contraceptives are the most easily obtainable and not too much trouble. The failure usually occurs when the condom was torn because of lack of caution or because of pressure at the time of ejaculation resulting in leakage. EFFECTIVE : For anyone. Allergy to rubber condom is a very rare occurrence. We recommend that if there are complaints of irritation and discomfort after having, you must consult with physicians and other contraceptive alternatives.
b. spermicide
This kind of active chemical ingredients that serve "kill" the sperm. It can be tangible liquids, creams or vaginal tissue that must be inserted into the vagina 5 minutes prior to intercourse. When inserting spermicide into the vagina must use the tools provided in the packaging. is not allowed to use your hands!. Failure often occurs because of the time not soluble enough, the amount of spermicide used too little or vagina was rinsed in less than 6 hours after intercourse. EFFECTIVE: Can be used by anyone and to increase its effectiveness, use along with condoms and vaginal diaphragms.
c. Vaginal Diaphragm 
Rings coated ring This flexible rubber will shut the mouth of the womb when placed in the vagina 6 hours before intercourse. Effectiveness of contraceptives can be decreased if too rapidly released less than 8 hours after intercourse. "The problem is, many women must learn first how to insert into the vagina. Indonesia and most women are unfamiliar or uncomfortable putting their fingers into the vaginal opening, "explains Dr. Prima EFFECTIVE: Can be used by anyone and to increase its effectiveness, use in conjunction with a condom and spermicide.

d. Advantages pill
Pill This is still making regular menstruation, reducing cramps or pain during menstruation. Fertility Also, you can recover by way stop taking this pill. birth control pills include an effective method at this time. How the Pill is to prevent the release of telut cells. These pills has a high success rate (99%) when used appropriately and regularly. There are two types of birth control pills that are now circulating in the market, the combination of estrogen and progesterone or only contain progestoren alone. "second-generation birth control pills have no effect as the pill The first generation or we are familiar with the blue circle. Birth control pills are not currently make the body fat, spotty and dizziness. EFFECTIVE: For women who do have a high level of discipline. Not recommended for those who are often forgotten because 2 times neglects to take birth control pills can actually make women infertile.
e. Injectable contraceptives
Type is basically has a way of working like a pill. For injections given three months, has the advantage of reducing the risk of missed pills and can work effectively for 3 months. Side effects usually occur in women who suffer from diabetes or hypertension. EFFECTIVE: For women who do not have the problem of metabolic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, thrombosis or blood clotting disorder and a history of stroke. Not suitable for women smokers. Because smoking can cause blood vessels stoppage.
f. Implants
Implants is a contraceptive implant by inserting a small tube under the skin on the hands that made olej your doctor. Small tube containing hormones that are released in small increments, thus preventing pregnancy. The advantages of this contraceptive use, you do not have to take pills or injections periodically. Implant installation process is quite a time for the lifetime of 2-5 years. And when you berenca pregnant, simply remove the implant is back, side effects, including irregular periods. EFFECTIVE: The bottom line with hormonal contraception should be for women with metabolic disorders should be extra careful in choosing this type of contraception. d. IUDs (Spiral) Intrauterine Device or also called a spiral because its shape is like a spiral. This is a contraceptive technique by inserting a tool made of copper into the uterus, as Dr.. Prima "today, a new generation of IUDs can be combined with the hormone progesterone, in order to increase their effectiveness. Spiral is also working impede the meeting of sperm and egg cells and defenseless life of up to 5 years old. The effective rate can reach 98%, just like the pill, IUD is also easy restore your fertility. EFFECTIVE: Should women who are prone to vaginal discharge does not use this method. Yarns at the end of the IUD must be constantly clean. Because if dirty can easily lead to infection, "advises Dr. Prima.


The way this contraceptive sterilization is permanent. The concept fallopian tubes in women, are blocked by tied, cut or burned. Sterilization in women can also be done with the removal of the uterus. Whereas in males, sterilization is done by cutting the vas deferens. But there are special requirements for women who want to do this type of contraception. "Safety amount multiplied by the number of children age must be at least a hundred. For example, you've aged 35 years and have had three children. Then multiply 35 x 3 = 105. This result can be interpreted as a safe condition. Therefore if you want to live birth, age should Your youngest child has gone through the toddler years. this just in case someday you still intend to get pregnant again. EFFECTIVE: Choice of contraception is most suitable for women who are determined not want any more children.

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